How to Knit the St. John's Wort Knit Stitch

St. John’s Wort Knit Stitch

St. John’s Wort Knit Stitch

This stitch is one of my absolute faves. It creates a unique texture that almost looks like a small cable and has a bit of a flower look to it. It’s great for cowls, scarves, hats and even sweaters!

How to knit the St. John’s Wort Knit Stitch

Cast On in multiples of 6 stitches.

Row 1: [SL1, K2, PSSO, K3] to end
Row 2: [P4, YO, P1] to end
Row 3: [K3, SL1, K2, PSSO] to end
Row 4: [P1, YO, P4] to end


K = Knit
P = Purl
PSSO = Pass the Slipped Stitch Over
SL = Slip
YO = Yarn Over

Ready to try to knit this stitch in a hat? I’ve got a great free St. John’s Wort Knit Hat Pattern for you to try out!

St. John’s Wort Video Tutorial

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St. John's Wort Knit Stitch